BCRPA is pleased to offer subsidies to help offset costs for before and after school recreation programming again for the coming 2019/20 school year. Subsidies totaling $490,000 will be allocated to communities throughout British Columbia to provide new and/or expanded spaces for before and after school recreation programs. Grants of up to $1,500 per program per cycle are available to organizations wishing to expand existing spaces or initiate new before or after school recreation programs for children in the community.
The subsidies will support before and after school recreation programs that focus on physical activity, connecting to nature, outdoor play, and engaging in culture, sports and the arts.
In addition to program funding, this initiative will also provide training for program leaders, supervisors and managers.
Note: The funding is for before and after school programming only and does not include lunch hour or non-instructional day programming.
Application Process
There will be 3 application cycles. Applications are accepted until 11:59 pm PST: Aug 7th, 2019 (for programs beginning in September 2019); October 8th, 2019 (for programs beginning in January 2020); and February 4th, 2020 (for programs beginning in April 2020).
Eligibility Criteria:
In order to qualify for a subsidy, applications must meet the following criteria:
- The before and after school program is new, or expands on an existing program by providing additional spaces. [Note: if your program received BCRPA funding in previous years you may still apply for the grant.]
- Spaces are defined as:
- for a new program, the capacity of the program
- for expanding an existing program through new spaces added
- Refer here for complete information
- Spaces are defined as:
- The before and/or after school programming takes place during the 2019/20 school calendar year (September 2019 to June 2020).
- The program cycle must be a minimum of 8 weeks in length.
- The program must run between 1 and 5 days per week.
- The program must be for children in grades K-8.
- The program must be publicly accessible (e.g. no membership requirements).
- The funding must be used as a subsidy only, it cannot fully fund the program.
- Program leaders:
- with direct contact with children must have successfully completed a criminal record check
- participate in a majority of training webinars that will be held throughout the school year
- Programs must include some of the following recreational activities: connecting to nature, outdoor play, physical activity, culture, sports, or the arts.
- The approved program must participate in an evaluation of the program and submit a final report that includes statistics on number of participants, an outline of recreational activities children participated in, a budget indicating how funds were used to help subsidize participant fees and other details to be finalized.
- The approved program shall provide proof of a current Commercial General Liability in an amount not less than $2,000,000 – a copy of the insurance certificate will be required from successful applicants.
- Meet the BC Childcare Licensing Regulation requirements where applicable.
Priority may be given to programs:
- that did not receive funding from the BCRPA Before and After School Recreation Program in the 2017/18 or 2018/19 school years.
- that indicate in the application that funds will be used to help subsidize the registration fees for families.
- in communities where no before or after school recreation programming exists.
- whose staff are HIGH FIVE certified or willing to take the HIGH FIVE training (BCRPA will be providing the training for those requiring it).
In order to ensure a fair distribution of funding between organizations and regions, organizations requesting funding for multiple programs may be limited to the number accepted.
Application Process:
Complete the Before and After School Recreation Program application form before the deadline. Applicants will be notified within three weeks following the application deadline.
Application Schedule:
Item | Date |
Application Deadline | Cycle 1: 11:59 pm (PST) August 7, 2019 Cycle 2: 11:59 pm (PST) October 8, 2019 Cycle 3: 11:59 pm (PST) February 4, 2020 |
Subsidy Recipient Notification | Cycle 1: August 16, 2019 Cycle 2: October 29, 2019 Cycle 3: February 25, 2020 |
Program Delivery | September – June 2020 |
Final Report Submission Deadline | Cycle 1: December 31, 2019 Cycle 2: April 10, 2020 Cycle 3: July 10, 2020 |
Payment Schedule:
- 80% will be provided within 4 weeks of confirmation of funding
- 20% will be provided when successful completion of criteria are completed (final report and confirmation that number of spaces requested were met)
Questions? Contact Noelle Virtue.