The Magic and Logic of Leadership Post-Pandemic

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Presented by Christine McLeod

The magic and logic of leadership is such that at any given time we have to balance “sensing” and “doing” and in a post-pandemic world that balance is all the more important. The magic of leadership is when we are able to intuitively sense the answer to the question “What is it time for? (Which part of me needs to show up at this moment). The logic of leadership is how we use the tools and experience we have collected to make the magic happen.

You will improve your ability to quickly ask yourself “What is it time for?” You will learn a few go-to tools to pull out at a moment’s notice from your leadership toolkit-You will recognize (and avoid) the barriers that can get in the way of both the magic & the logic. Let’s reconnect together on what leadership means for each of us in 2021 and beyond.

BCRPA Registered Fitness Leaders are eligible to receive 1 CEC upon completion of this course.

The video for this training is 55 minutes in length.

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