Providing Dignity Informed Outreach in Our Parks


SKU: 1-sym-dignity Category: Tag:

presented by Jess Thornbury, Nikki Page, and Kristen Kvakic

British Columbia is in the midst of a housing crisis. In the absence of safe, affordable housing, there has been an increase in people sheltering in our parks and surrounding areas prompting the need for increased outreach and engagement. Given the stigma and harassment experienced daily by people who are homeless , there is a critical need for outreach and support services that centre on the dignity of those whom we seek to engage in our shelter and housing programs. This session will provide participants with a basic understanding of some of the root causes of homelessness and the challenges of being homeless,  as well as some ideas about what “good” engagement and outreach looks like in practice. Participants will leave the session with increased knowledge and some tools for engagement that honours the dignity of the individuals who experience homelessness and shelter in our parks.


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